
Top 5 Interview Questions and How to Answer Them (Free PDF Download)

Follow this guide with the top 5 interview questions and prepare your answers to ace your next job interview.

  1. Tell me about yourself

Answer strategy: HAMK

  1. How -How did you get here- What brought you to this interview?
  2. Achievements– What have you already achieved related to this job?
  3. Motivation– What has motivated you in the past and what is motivating you now that can benefit the company?
  4. Kill-Show them why you are the best person for this job, your competitive advantage from other candidates

 Example Answer- Administration:

“I have relevant experience in administration and office management. The highlight of this time was when I was able to improve the efficiency of our invoicing system and collect over EUR 10.000 of unpaid invoices. I am looking for professional and personal growth and am constantly surrounding myself with talented people that I can learn from.

 I am also passionate about environmental issues and sustainability and my goal is to work in a company where I can use my skills and have a positive impact on the team and company.”

2. What’s your greatest weakness

Answer strategy: Focus on a non-essential skill, highlight skills you have improved, and turn a negative into a positive:

Example Answer:

“I used to have a tough time talking in front of groups of people which was difficult when I had to make presentations. I enrolled in public speaking training to try to improve my confidence, and now I’m much more comfortable talking in front of large groups.”

3.  Why should we hire you for this position?

Answer strategy: Show your motivation for working at the company and the unique skills you would bring to the position

Example AnswerFinance:

“Working for UNOPS for over a year, I realized how much I wanted to continue working for an agency which helped me to grow a lot, during my past experiences and to contribute to the realization of essential projects around the world.

Within UNOPS I worked in finance but it interrelated easily with more admin related tasks. I really liked processing data or finding ways to improve processes.”

4.  Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Answer strategy: Ideally, you want to show progression, either within a company or in your own career path as companies are looking for goal driven candidates

Example Answer:

“I would like to progress from a position in administration to become a manager or switch to another field within the company.”

  1. How do you keep yourself organized?

Answer strategy: Give examples or concrete actions you take or procedures you set up to keep the team organized

Example Answer:

“I keep a daily diary to plan and prioritize what has to be done for the day and coming weeks. I also have regular meetings with supervisors and delegate tasks to the team members that are most suited to the task that needs to be completed.”

Finally, click here to download this free PDF with the top 5 interview questions so you can practise them anywere.

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